What type of investor are you?

This is a short questionnaire to help your adviser make a recommendation for your KiwiSaver.

It is designed to help you understand your attitude towards risk and determine your capacity for uncertainty in the markets. It is a guide only.

Please take your time to understand each question and provide realistic and honest answers. Tick the box that most applies to you. 

KiwiSaver Risk profile - with Fact Find

Client information

Choose one:
This is for your Adviser to provide a KiwiSaver projection in your Statement of Advice (optional)
How often are you paid?
What type of fund are you in?
How much do you contribute?

Risk profile

1. How important is it to you that your KiwiSaver fund is a socially responsible investment?
(Choose one)
2. Is it important to you that your KiwiSaver provider is 100% NZ owned?
(Choose one)
3. When are you likely to make a significant withdrawal (for your retirement needs or a first home purchase)?
(Choose one)
4. What is your attitude toward your KiwiSaver balance?
(Choose one)
5. If my KiwiSaver balance dropped by more than 10% over a six month period, I would be very concerned.
(Choose one)
6. How do you feel about balancing risk and return?
(Choose one)
7. The following graph shows the results of five hypothetical funds over a one-year period. The green bars show the potential returns, and the orange bars show the potential loss each fund could experience. (Note: the fund with the best potential return also has the largest potential loss). Which fund would you feel most comfortable with?
8. Finally, is there any KiwiSaver providers that you particularly like or dislike? (leave blank if you have no preference)

Need help?

Contact your Adviser

Hayley O'Brien

06 870 7050

Sean Folan

06 870 7050

Tania Heighway

06 870 7050

Stacey Crispin

06 870 7050

Ian Fraser

06 870 7050